Tuesday, January 24, 2012

State of the Union

Well, after a year plus off, we're back. I took the time off, mostly because I was tired of seeing the same thing, having the same argument over and over again. But, it appears, it's time for us to get back in gear.

During our absence, the Occupy Wall Street movement has popped up and taken over the national conversation. Whether you agree or disagree with them, what they are saying needs to be heard. Even in his attacks on Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich has used key phrases from the OWS dialogue. Expect to hear alot of it tonight from President Obama as he tries to reach out to this disenfranchised group of voters, because in the long run, that's what they are, is voters. And campaign Obama loves to try and show the youth he's the hip cool nominee, which isn't hard based on who the GOP is putting up as opposition. But can Obama practice what he preaches, or are we in for another four years of pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people.

For as much as Obama and even the GOP want to show that he's a "crazy liberal", signing into law the NDAA is very, very conservative. It's setting up the Republicans for the eventual power swing and a fear state in which the Democrats can seem like superheroes that come in and save us. However, they're really not. They are as much in the pocket of big investors as the Republicans are, the Democrats just pretend to care about the people a little bit more. Which makes the poor happy and think that they have a champion in their corner.

The State of the Union... it's a f--king mess. Unemployment is still as high as ever. Don't let the latest reports that unemployment filing is at a three year low fool you. It's the same as during the Spring when they say spending is up. It's all fabricated, inflated numbers to make those in power look more and more like they're doing right. The cold hard reality is, that those are, were, temporary jobs for the holiday season. Many of which will be back, unable to file for unemployment, within the next couple of weeks. And many people have or are running out of unemployment in general.

So what is the GOP's solution to the mess? Well, Newt Gingrich wants to flood the employment market with children. He wants to fire janitors, many of who are working the job to put food on the table of their families at an extreme medical risk to themselves, and put in place children who go to those schools. In a time when bullying is spreading through out the younger generations, he wants to submit the children of poor parents to the stigmatism of cleaning the halls after school. Meanwhile, attending today's State of the Union Address will be a young woman who is a science whiz, and homeless. And impressing the judges on American Idol, next to many other hopefuls... another homeless girl. But, if Newt gets what he wants, those children would have less time to chase their dreams and more time to clean the gutters and bathrooms. To say that the poor don't have the drive to make their life better is a complete disregard for not only the human spirit, but those whose backs and shoulders hold up his doughy posterior.

Meanwhile, the ever sliding Mitt Romney is showing how well he connects with what's left of the middle class by not only simply handing money out, or paying for votes as it could be construed, but he only pays 15% of the $46 million he brings in while hiding millions more in an off-shore bank account in the Caymans. Must be nice.

Our environment is still in just as much danger as it has been. While Obama escaped off some by saying "no" to the Keystone oil pipe, there is still the chance a smaller version of the dream will run a pipe from Oklahoma to the Gulf. This less then five years after the greatest oil disaster in American history, and the spilling of oil into Yellowstone River. So next time Oklahoma and Texas universities get together, they can call it the "Black Gold Rivalry". So what is the Republicans plan on this? Well, they want to do away with the EPA and the regulations that are holding back "progress". Maybe someone should talk to the people of Ohio about that as they suffered an earthquake a month ago caused by fracking.

The pure and simple fact is, it's not going to get any better any time soon. We are still going to struggle as a country. We will find ourselves in a war by the end of the year, it's just a matter of who with depends on who wins the election. Jobs are still going to be hard to come by as corporations cut jobs to keep those in power richer. The people will still suffer because it's easier to ask those without to do without more, than it is to ask those with to do without, or at least it's expected. After all, they already gave at the office.

The Mayans predicted 2012 not as the end of the world, but a time of major change. With the death of Kim Jung Il; the growing economic super power that is China; Iran's nuclear desire and the unrest all around the world, I'm fairly sure they got it right. And with the date being 12-21-12, just a little more than a month after the elections, and about a month before the next inauguration, we're all sitting on a powder keg and there is an extremist somewhere whether foreign or domestic, who has the match.

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