Thursday, July 30, 2009

The President is a Racist and so am I

The Daily Show, American’s primary newsertainment outlet, recently chastised Glenn Beck for his statements concerning President Obama’s racist statements. Actually, they chastised him for making said statements, revoking them and then making them again. I guess making such bold and unpopular statements might cause one to waver just a bit.
My point here today is that President Obama is a racist. Period. And so am I and so are you. It is human nature to give preferential treatment to one’s own tribe. And since our tribes have been spread and mixed beyond recognition, mankind has deferred to giving preferential treatment to those who look physically similar to ourselves. It is in our nature not be racist, and only through rational though and action can we counter this tendency.
I am not claiming that racism is morally justified, on the contrary, in our modern American society it is a handicap. With the tribal and cultural lines blurred beyond recognition racism just doesn’t make any rational sense. But this is a recent sociological development and since our evolutionary psychological traits are very slow to compensate, I don’t think it’s fair to look down on anyone accidently making a racist statement. What we should watch for is racist policies, laws and social practices. If we can keep these to a minimum then lets let the President drop the N word a few times for shit’s a giggles.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

True State of the Union

America is in trouble, this is not news, but the bigger problem lies in not just Washington but in the state capitols all over the country. Our leaders have forgotten us. Don't fall for their redirect about actually caring and doing things for the American people. We are smart enough to know that bull crap isn't steak even if the chef tells us different. Yet our leaders continuously tell us that what they are doing is what's best for us.

Our system of government is dying if it's not already dead. In party fighting has long been a sad standard for American politics, however, with this new administration the people have been caught in the middle. We are being told bi-monthly that our elected representatives are wasting time on the job and that there is a crisis. And who is the one reporting all of this? Who is the one that choices to air out grievances on nationwide television instead of sit down and actually talk to those whom have a different opinion? Non other than the President of the United States, who's party actually controls Congress. And while Congressional members bad mouthing the president to news organizations is not uncommon, how often did we see any of the previous Presidents bad mouth their own party members when they controlled 2/3rds of the branches of government.

The Republican Party is dead, sorry but it's true. Like a chicken with it's head cut off, the only reason the GOP is still running around thinking that it's got life is because the Democrats can't finish them off. The GOP has run it's course and should consider that, as political ideology, it would serve the American people best by destroying itself and splitting. The infighting between the younger "core" of Republicans like Meghan McCain and those who have been there like minority leader (ironic since it's an old white guy) Mitch McConnell have all but destroyed the party.

The truth is, Republicans like Ms. McCain, Ron Paul and even Rudy Giuliani should start their own party, but are too afraid to because of our make believe idea that we, as a "democracy" only have a two party system and anything more would destroy our government or allow the the "other" party to win. Guess what, they already have and your party has no real viable solution for the 2012 presidential election. Sarah Palin can't be taken seriously as she quits her position, and you have governors caught waist deep in scandal.

The Democrats, as of the election of President Obama looked poised to finish off the Republicans with a death blow not seen in over a hundred years. They really harnessed the untapped power that was the youth vote by presenting Obama as the "voice of a new generation". This young, hip, black man was going to change the old white ways of Washington with "change we can use". And while I understand empires aren't built in a day, it does take one crushing blow to destroy them. President Obama was elected, as were many other Democrats on the basis that they were going to fix the economy, they were going to bring our troops home and that it wasn't going to be "politics as usual" in Washington anymore. President Obama was going to be the next FDR. The problem lies in the fact that the youth movement really is ADD. Obama didn't say he was going to bring our troops back, he made it perfectly clear he was moving the theatre east into Afghanistan. He told us the economy was only going to get worse before it got better, although he did promise that the economic stimulus that he sent out would keep unemployment at 6-8% which as now gone to almost 10% nationwide, with 14 states at or over that margin.

Don't let the markets fool you. Just because there is a gain in trading doesn't mean the economy is doing better. The market is run by used cars sales men who want you to think that the product your buying is in the best shape it's ever been in. Take gas for example. Prices last month kept rising at the pump while the price of crude oil dropped.

President Obama forced through Congress his stimulus package, a package that no member of Congress had read. Now he wants to rush through a Health Care bill. Defenders of the bill, those who want it passed quickly use the argument that this is something they've been talking about for a while. I'm all for the idea of this bill, I even agree that those families who make a million dollars should help pay for those who can't afford it. I do disagree on any and all raising of taxes on the middle class or a taxation on soda. The government already has enough vice taxes as every time they need a dime they head straight for cigarettes or alcohol. Like many of those who oppose the bill, there needs to be some language in there about abortions. My own opinion of abortions doesn't matter since the alternative of back ally abortions is not an option, however with the feeling that many Americans have about abortion, it would be wrong if tax payer money went to abortions under this health care reform.

On the subject of taxing, I believe that the city of Oakland got it right. They have passed a bill that will increase the taxation on legalized marijuana for medical usage. The tax increase from $1.50 per every $1000 to $18 per every $1000 will raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the cash strap city. Even the governator is considering pushing a similar bill that would help raise $1.5 million in revenue on taxes alone, imagine how much it would save tax payers in not prosecuting non-violent marijuana users.

I read an article, I can't remember where or who said it, but someone said that the American people wouldn't stand for it if one day they woke up and the Chinese had military bases on our soil. Well, I say to all of you that they already have. However they are not military bases but in fact are corporations. The Chinese have over a trillion dollars invested in the United States. They have used our economic crisis against us and the government has simply gone along with it because in the grand scheme of life, in a capitalistic society that finds itself in unfamiliar territory, money really does talk. It really is only a matter of time before the Chinese use what they have for their own profit. Like any good investment, China does not want to see America fail, and if and when the United States gets back up on its feet, guess who just funded China's latest crimes against humanity whether it be squashing Catholics, Taiwan, Buddhist, Tibet or any others that oppose them? Yes, the American tax payers.

America, we need to open our eyes to what it is our government is doing. To quote the movie "V for Vendetta": "People should not fear their government, the government should fear its people". We are a democracy where our politicians only do enough to get re-elected. They only care about our feelings and our opinions when it suites them. They would rather listen to lobbyist who represent big corporations or big interest. These are the people, our representatives that are supposed to be OUR lobbyist. Our elected officials, both federal and statewide, work for us, and that is something they need to be reminded of. Maybe its time that we remind them of who their bosses are.

Also, as a side note, coming in August is a special report about the forgotten minorities. With CNN doing a sequel to "Black in America" and President Obama being praised for being the first African American President, we will view the hardships that affects those who have been forgotten, the Native Americans.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July Potpourri

Trying to start off this month with a bang, but due to the economy, like many cities around the United States, we had to cut back on our fireworks. Now, post Michael Jackson news can once again flow from our blog into the computers of...well, whoever really reads this.

The "Air" Up There: More and more information is coming out about the murder-suicide of former Titan's quarterback Steve McNair and his "out of control" mistress. The truly sad part of this ordeal is that there really is nothing shocking about this case. It just seems to me more of a clear cut "murder-suicide, scorned lover" incident.

The latest developments show that her financial situation was deteriorating, so she spent money to illegally buy a gun instead of saving money up for her upcoming DUI trial. What is even more interesting is that original reports were that McNair had "tons of guns" and that they were happy together, and he was even going to leave his wife and they were going to move in together. Now, she's an out of control mistress who was in financial distress who bought a gun and fearful that McNair had ANOTHER girl on the side.

So, that all being said, while no one will ever really know what happened that night, here's my best guess. McNair and his mistress had a fight, something along the lines of "Now is not the right time to leave my wife, but I still love you." There was probably some words thrown around but everything cooled off and McNair took a nap, maybe even one of those, "We'll discuss it more in the morning" situations that lead a man to sleep on the couch while his significant other sleeps in the bed. While alone in her bed, the 20 year old really took stock of her life, maybe even realized McNair WASN'T ever going to leave his wife, and that she was just a younger model that he took out for a test drive. After all, while McNair's wife didn't know anything about the mistress (not un-common) there was no word of anything pending with an attorney about a divorce. So, in a fit of rage, with the new gun she illegally obtained, she shot and killed the quarterback and then herself.

Extorting Rick Pitino: This has been something that hasn't really broken out into the national media, but is an interesting story none the less. This women, Karen Sypher, has been accused by the FBI of trying to extort money from University of Louisville men's basketball coach Rick Pitino. But she says she's "being set up" and she's fighting the case for her children.

Now, that could be all well and true, maybe she is being set up. Maybe its not her fault she lied to the FBI about a relationship she's had with Pitino. And now she has to stand up on her own two feet and defend herself against those who are making her out to be the bad guy. Maybe it's not her fault. But what really makes her story so great is that a local news station has found her dating profile on dating website aimed at millionaires. What makes this woman an even finer piece of work, she claims that not only did she laugh about this profile of her wearing a slinky dress in a pose in front of a fire place, but that she didn't even make the profile. The true culprits of this are...wait for it...HER KIDS.

So lets recap this story...she's being set up about her story of an affair with Rick Pitino and she's fighting it for her kids who in return posted her on a dating website for rich men without 1) her knowing, and 2) them even having a laptop at home. God Bless America.

"I'm not a quitter, I'm a fighter": So Sarah Palin quit as governor of the last frontier. However, that apparently still makes her a strong candidate for GOP presidential nominee. Well, I've said it once, and I'll say it again, the GOP is dead. They have no viable solutions for anything anymore and the only reason they still exist is because 1) people are too afraid to vote for a 3rd party and 2) because the Democrats haven't proven to really be that much better. The only reason anyone would even consider still picking someone who is quitting midterm is because their party is in political turmoil due to some very big names having some very roaming eyes.

Speaking of how the other half lives: There seems to be some movement toward a final solution about the much anticipated overhaul of Health Care. The plan, tax the rich and have them pay for the majority of it. There will be some sort of sliding scale which makes it affordable for everyone. A source close to Political Liability says that this is the right move. Since I have no real knowledge of this situation, I'll have to take their word for it. The only problem I have is rich or poor, the government should not fine people who don't want anything to do with the program.

"2012: The Conspiracy": With all the political upheaval in Iran over the elections, the coup in Honduras, ethnic tensions in China, North Korea gone crazy, same sex laws in India, our new offensive in Afghanistan, on going genocide in Sudan where the leader doesn't care, protest in Peru, Israel wanting to make an offensive in Iran, not to mention planes and trains crashing all over, is this really that crazy of an idea?

Told you so: As first reported here the economy hasn't turned around. Retailers are already reporting a weak June showing. Everyone was so uplifted about the way things were in April and May, but you have to look at the greater picture.

Finally, happy belated 4th of July everyone. Lets remember the real reason we celebrate the 4th. Freedom.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson Memorial

I bet you didn't know, but everyday I get a Bible verse. Usually I read it and see if it pertains to my day or life or whatever, and on occasions it really does. Today's was very poignant. It was Psalms 82:3 that read "defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy", and I think nothing better defines the life I try to lead and the role Michael Jackson played in this world.

One of the greatest things said about Michael Jackson, one point that should never be lost on anyone was when Kobe Bryant said that of all the accomplishments and records Michael Jackson had achieved in his lifetime, that he also made the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star. Of all the records that he accomplished and set, and for all those now and to come who are going to try and reach those, how many are going to set out to break this one single record? MOST CHARITIES SUPPORTED BY A POP STAR. Whether News Media outlets want to report it or not, Michael Jackson was a TRUE humanitarian.

And speaking of mainstream media, shame on them. Shame on FOX News for trying to focus on the negativity of allegations than trying to celebrate the man. There will always be a time and place for it, but not during a memorial. Shame on BET for saying that because he was black, that is why the media is focusing on the negatives and that they'd never do this to a white person. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was cruelly assassinated, there was no talks of his negative, but a celebration of his life and mourning of his loss. When Elvis died, there was mention of the manner of which he died. Don't forget that it was blacks and whites alike who made fun of his skin color, saying he and his children aren't "black enough". Those jokes don't seem as funny now, do they? When shown the grander scheme of life, the greater impact Michael Jackson had on pop culture for the black community, those jokes almost seem cruel now.

I agree with what Marlon Jackson said, when he told his brother "Now, I hope they leave you alone." But you know that they won't. In the days to come the circumstances that surround the mysterious death of the "Greatest Entertainer Ever" will undoubtedly cause more controversy. It will give the pariah's that we get our news and "facts" from the ammo that they so want to bring down this man who was bigger than life. Because that is what the media does, it has to take away the humanity of our icons. With 24/7 news coverage, blogs, social media so forth and so on they will try to tear apart the memories and legacy of a man who truly asked for nothing more than to be heard out and loved. The irony of course being that these people who will try to tear him down also just want to be heard out, or they wouldn't be working in the news, and, like everyone, they want to be loved. I ask those who want to try and bring him down, when you die, will that many people miss you? Will they come out in droves to honor your legacy?

I don't begrudge the man the lifestyle he choose for his children. He knew what the media did to him, why would he want to do that for his children. Due to the nature of his status as a celebrity, his children couldn't have had a normal life, gone to normal private schools, and yet, yesterday, thanks to the raw emotion of one 11 year old girl, his daughter, Paris Jackson, his children should have put to rest any and all questions about Michael Jackson as a father. No one can deny that as one of the most touching things ANYONE will ever witness. The memorial did a great job showing the world that there were actually people who had some insight into this man, and that he was more than the lights, glitter and costumes but he was a brother, a son, a humanitarian and most importantly a father. Something that as much as it surprised the mainstream media, it really shouldn't have.

Hopefully the passing of Michael Jackson, with his most inspirational and civil minded songs being played will cause countless number of people to actually care about the world that we live in and not just give people the lip service they think we all want to hear. And yes Mr. President, now we can start talking about nuclear weapons, but lets also talk about how we are going to "heal the world, and make it a better place", how we are going to stand up in the face of adversity whether we are black, white, brown, yellow or red and help stop the atrocities that are plaguing our world. Let us hear the rulers of nations show that they really care about us. Because if we want to make the world a better place we have to look into the mirror and make a change.