Friday, January 29, 2010

State of the Union

My fellow Americans, it is with a great hope and awakening that I write to you today. As we step out of the trying time that was 2009 and look into the future of not just 2010, but a new decade that I am inspired by what we can achieve if we all drop our political reservations and work together in unity to make this country what it once was, what its struggling to remain, and what it can be yet again, a great nation that fosters individuality and freedom for all, not just some. A nation that will stand up to those wishing to create a world in its own chaotic conditions, but my fellow Americans, it is not something that I can do alone.

Over the past 12 months, the new administration has tried, much like the Republican regime before it, to use fear to pressure Americans into drinking its kool-aid. This administration, as well meaning as it may seem, does not understand the people it was sworn to protect and serve. But don't be fooled, the Republicans don't care about you either. No, my friends, no one party cares anything about the people of this country. They make promises for "hope" and "change in Washington" as punchlines, quick soundbites that work for newspaper, television and twitter, but not in the everyday world. Not in the world were over 10% of Americans are out of the job; not the everyday world where families are being forced out of their homes and onto the streets, and definitely not in a world where we, as Americans, have the given right, by our founding fathers to raise our own voices and tell them what we truly think of them.

My countrymen, and women, to quote the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream". The dream for this nation is one built upon the sweat, tears and blood of generations that have come well before us, but also the blood, sweat and tears of this generation. We are still in an economic decline. Businesses are still leaving, corner stores that were once neighborhood conrnerstones are going the way of the dinosaur and may never be seen again. We need a government, Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, to all come together to do what is best for its people.

While the economy is now something that the President has decided to take on, it should not have taken a year to figure that out. We need to find ways of not only keeping jobs but to reduce the over 10% unemployment rate, and holding town hall meetings, talking about it isn't going to fix the problem. I do agree that the tax break for businesses that are hiring new employees will help, hopefully. But we can't let ridiculously phrased common occurrences ruin our path. Yes, the unemployment rate went down in October, that's because stores are hiring for the holidays, so obviously unemployment will be inflated during January and February because those same people are being laid off. It's not a boom, it happens every year. You can't claim that Americans spending during the holidays and right after they receive their tax returns the economy is in the upswing, that is when Americans traditionally spend money.

One thing that has consistently been in the face of the government, a way to increase revenue in the nation that they refuse to look at is the legalization and taxation of marijuana. We are a nation based on tobacco, we have the factories and labor to do it. It would increase jobs, free up space in our overcrowded prisons and bring in large amounts of money through a vice-tax.

JFK once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Well, my fellow Americans, your country needs you. Your friends and neighbors need you. If we are to recover from this crisis, we need to do it as a whole, as a UNITED States of America, not as an individual confederation of states. In order to help those less fortunate, some sacrifices will need to be made. Those who have been blessed with an abundant amount of money may need to pull more than what they perceive as their fare share of weight. And although we ask, "What's in it for us?", I will answer you with the pride and joy of helping those less fortunate, with the wonderment of giving others the chance to achieve the dream that you already have reached. Our nation has been built on the back bones of the little man since the first Europeans landed here 400 years ago. Its time that those you have profited from that give back to their own "Main Streets".

I believe that education is the most important tool in achieving the American Dream. We need our schools to not only remain open, and for our students to remain in them, but for our schools to be safe. We need our teachers to want to be in the schools, and we need teachers who understand that it is their job to teach and lead these students and not to take advantage of the bonds they create.

Growing up we were told that a college education will open up doors to you. Today, I think that the Federal Government should open those doors wider. I think that the United States Government, in order to keep its pledge to its students should consider a scholarship fund that will benefit ALL American children. Any student who maintains a "B" average and misses no more than 5% of their total academic year will receive 5% off their college tuition. Those who maintain an "A" average for their entire academic career, and miss no more than 5% of their total academic time, has the possibility to receive a free ride to any public university and up to the possible 60% off their attendance to private schools.

I believe that America does need open health care reform, not back room, private alliances with prescription drugs. However, I believe that it will obviously take time to create and work out the kinks. When it comes to people's health its always too late for someone and we need to get it right the first time and not rush something through Congress just because you have the numbers to do so. Both parties, Republican and Democrat need to really understand that peoples lives are at stake here, its not just some political issue to hang your hat on and use as a rallying cry to get some votes. We need health care that is affordable for EVERYONE, and is available for everyone who wants it, but there shouldn't be punishment for anyone who doesn't want to pay for health care, sometimes you simply can't afford it, even if it is incredibly cheap.

I do believe that gays have the right to serve in our military. It's not like the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is stopping them from doing so, it is simply stopping them from serving out in the open. I believe that the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy should be repealed with the understanding that, just as race, religion and creed are not reasons to justify discrimination, neither is sexuality. A persons sexual orientation does not hinder their ability to learn drills, protect their fellow American or comrade in arms. If a gay American wants to serve his country, fight for the freedoms that our forefathers risked their lives to protect, then they have every right to do so. And, though this may be an unpopular decision, my fellow Americans, and our brave men and women, the Constitution, the document that you are sworn to protect, that our government is sworn to uphold, states in clear English, "All Men Are Created Equal", so let them equal serve as brothers and sisters in arms.

And to that extent, I believe there should be allowed, gay civil unions where the life partners are allowed the same privileges and rights as heterosexual partners are. I will not, nor can I endorse gay marriages because I do believe that there should be a separation between church and state and I believe that there should not be pressure on houses of worship to marry those that they do not wish to. However, I do believe that marriage is a union of love between two people that are dedicated to one another. And that bond transcends not only race, age and religion, but sexual orientations as well.

The "War on Terrorism" is a war that, like it or not, we are stuck in for the foreseeable future. The future of this war depends not just on our military but on the governments that we are trying to aid. If these governments truly want to end foreign troops being present, then they need to stand up on their own two feet and declare to their own people and the world that they will not stand for terrorism. That they will do everything to seek out these radicals who are disgracing their religion, their families and their homelands, and bring them to justice. The United States will come to the aid of those you need us, but we will not fight your battles for you. We will take the lead in the beginning, but you cannot be willing simply to follow, because once we leave, it will be yours to fight and keep the pressures on.

In closing, I believe that it is not the body of legislation, it is not the elected officials, it is not even our foundations that continue to make this country great, it is you the people. It is the spirit and drive that resides in every person, from the children breathing their first breathes as you read this, to those souls which have breathed their last. It is found in the parents working hard, making those hard decisions that may not improve their current condition, but will help their children grow, because they believe their child is the future. It is found in the inner cities where young men and women are fighting everyday for survival to get out of the projects through education and character building because they believe that a rose can grow out of the concrete. Its in our rural areas where generations have grown and kept our heartland pumping through good times and bad because that's just the way they were raised. Our country was founded on revolution, and while the path we have chosen to get here may not have been the right one all the times, here we stand, UNITED. So we need to STATE, in one common voice, to all those, foreign and domestic, who wish to take away our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that we are AMERICA.

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