Monday, August 3, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

The Obama administration hasn't shied away from flexing their political guns since the beginning of the term. And while this is understandable, as some will say that they only way to clean anything up or get anything done is taking a hardline stance on your goals and objectives, there is something that we may actually want to take a deeper look into and it pertains to the "cash for clunkers" government program.

While Barack Obama has flexed his guns by taking aim at news agencies (if that's what you can call Fox News) and states by calling the governor of Arizona after the President's stimulus bill was questioned by a senator, he has now taken aim at all of his political opponents through a symbolic gesture by euthenizing the clunkers.

Instead of helping trying to build up the used car industry, an industry that puts out old cars at a rate cheaper than buying brand new cars, thus making buying cars semi affordable for everyone, the Obama administration has instead destroyed every clunker brought into a new car dealership by pouring a saline solution into the engine killing the car and rendering it useless. So not only does this effectively kill the used car industry, creating the starts of a monopoly on car sales (by which I mean you can only buy new cars) it effectively limits the amount of used car parts for those whose hobby or job it is to use said parts for rebuilding or repair projects.

So, for someone like my brother-in-law who is putting together an old school VW bus-truck, for every engine or motor part that is traded in that could be conpatable, it has now gone off the market, never to be used, since the euthenized vehicles have to be sent to a government aproved "farm". This also hinders those who are not able to afford a new vehicle even at the rebated reduced price. So when ever my 94 clunker needs repairs, the parts will be even more limited than they are now.

So where is the symbolizm? Well, with the government killing the old vehicles it can be viewed as one of two ways. The glass half full thought of "happy government, thanks for looking out for us, dawn of a new era" which many have chosen to do, or the glass half empty thought of "the goevernment is showing those industries who are not in line that when it takes over, the old way will effectively be killed out, so watch out health care industry". Really this is for you all to decide.

On a side note, for a country so in debt, where did Congress find this 2 BILLION dollars it's going to use to keep "Cash for Clunkers" going? And how is this usage of monopoly money effecting the dollar on the make believe world government ran markets?

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